Journal on Corporate Law & Governance

Editorial Policy

1. Manuscripts shall be assessed through a three-stage Blind Review Procedure. Reviewers shall not be informed of the author’s name, university, year in college, or any other personal information. 

2. In the first stage of the review, the board shall undertake a preliminary review of the manuscript to determine its relevance and contemporariness. At this stage, the manuscript shall also be assessed by the Copy Editors for plagiarism, grammar and formatting. 

3. In the second stage of the review, the manuscripts shortlisted in the first stage are assessed by the Associate Editors based on 8 factors: quality of content, originality, relevance, contemporariness, structure, coherence & clarity, language, footnotes & references.

 4. In the third stage of the review, the content of the manuscripts shortlisted in the second stage is assessed comprehensively and in detail by the Senior Content Editors for its quality and accuracy. After this stage, the manuscript may be sent back to the author(s) with suggestions and recommendations for the author(s) to incorporate/consider. It is expected that the authors will cooperate with the editorial board to incorporate/consider the said suggestions and recommendations. 

5. The author shall be notified of the manuscript’s conditional acceptance only after the completion of the third stage. Acceptance of the manuscripts are conditional i.e.; the acceptance depends upon the satisfaction of the editorial board with the incorporation/consideration of the suggestions and recommendations provided. 

6. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the manuscript till the final acceptance has been communicated to the authors. 

7. The Journal publishes only original and unpublished material. Manuscripts must therefore not, at any time during the period of consideration by the Journal, be considered for publication in any other place, nor published beforehand. 

8. The author must inform the Journal if he/she has submitted the manuscript to other platforms prior to its acceptance for publication in the Journal. The author must withdraw his/her submission accordingly.

 9. JCLG is committed to open access for academic work. All the articles published in the JCLG are freely accessible immediately from the date of publication. The Journal doesn’t charge the authors any fee or charge prior to publication, and no charge for any reader for accessing and downloading our articles for their own personal use.